
Why don’t my employees get along?

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Why Don’t My Employees Get Along

Is it them or is it you?

What is it about people that they sometimes struggle to get along? Is it simply that they’re difficult? Or is it the work environment that brings out the worst in them? Are there some players on your team who can’t get along anywhere or is your company taking naturally positive and collaborative people and turning them into problem employees? The answer is yes, both.

Sometimes it’s them

Some people are just a pain in the neck. We human beings typically have our “issues” but, most of the time, most of us can keep our issues from interfering with our work relationships. However, some people just can’t help themselves. These people come in many flavors. Some love to complain; some love to criticize; some get angry easily and some enjoy undermining others.

You can’t win the national championship with “pain in the neck” employees. The emotional toll and impact on collective productivity are just too costly. So take action to weed your ranks of “jerks”.

Sometimes it’s you

Jerks aside, most people are reasonably well adjusted and sincerely want to contribute to a healthy, happy, environment. As the company leader, your job is to help them do that by getting the place organized so that they don’t trip over each other, so to speak.

Think of your company like an orchestra. To create beautiful music every musician must be accomplished and playing off the same sheet of music. Otherwise, they’ll become frustrated with each other and tempers will flare.

To properly orchestrate your business, clarify roles, document processes and give your people the training and the tools they need to work smoothly and happily together.

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